Friday, August 5, 2011

"The Darkest Hour" Trailer - New Bekmambetov Alien Movie

Check out the newly released trailer of The Darkest Hour, the Timur Bekmambetov/Chris Gorak collaboration alien flick that was posted on Twitch movie site. It's going to be made in 3D and looks to be a movie that will utilize this medium to the extreme. Particularly impressive is the "explosive" affect the aliens have on humans (and a dog).

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

"Resurrect Dead" Trailer - A Very Unusual Documentary

I stumbled upon this trailer for Resurrect Dead, a documentary about Toynbee tiles, mysterious cryptic message tiles that have been placed on city streets over the past three decades by an unknown individual. After you watch this, I guarantee you'll be doing web searches on it. Very compelling documentary.

Resurrect Dead Official Movie Website:

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