Monday, January 24, 2011

After Dark Originals Coming To Theaters January 28th

The folks who brought you Horrorfest 8 Movies To Die For movie festivals, now present After Dark Originals, a collection of 8 terrifying and innovative films created in a collaborative partnership between Syfi and Lionsgate, coming to select theaters January 28th. The films cover just about every subgenre within horror and if the trailers are any indication, the films should be fantastic. Check out the After Dark Originals trailer:

Visit the After Dark Originals official website for more details, including info on each of the films featured (with very tantalizing trailers for each film), including theater locations. And if you can't make it to any of the limited engagements, fear not because Lionsgate will be selling After Dark Originals on DVD starting on March 28th.


Sunday, January 9, 2011

Something Most Dreadful Has Arisen From The Murky Depths...

Greetings from the lab. It's five minutes until midnight. My new creation, the Something Most Dreadful blog, has just sprung to life. I've been tinkering with the idea of starting a blog for some time now. While the idea of a blog was appealing, the topic of the blog evaded me. I spend all day behind a computer screen at work. What subject matter could be intriguing enough to persuade me to fire up the ole home computer? Hmm. I already had a tropical plant blog but that was more of a hands-on activity and that blog mainly consisted of posting end result photos after a hard day's work toiling over the soil in the hot sun. But for this new blog, I really wanted to get my creative writing feet wet and dive right into the deep end. Then I realized that something I absolutely love yet don't spend enough time focusing on is sci-fi and horror movies. And it occurred to me that making this my subject matter would give me the perfect excuse to spend ungodly amounts of time watching sci-fi and horror movies. Perfect!

There are a lot of exciting things going on in the world of sci-fi/horror cinema. For the Something Most Dreadful blog, I plan to bring this world to you with movie news, behind-the-scenes interviews, on set exclusives, giveaways and much more. If your idea of a good time is sitting in a darkened theater, having chills run down your spine and your blood running cold, then you've come to the right place. Commence screaming now!
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